Stringer redefines real-time journalism by delivering unedited, firsthand news directly from eyewitnesses, organized to highlight bias and connect events – creating a holistic view.

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Are you tired of the noise?


66% of Americans don’t trust the media’s ability to report the news: “fully, accurately and fairly”

Pew Research Center

Only 41% of U.S. adults believe the information shared on social media platforms is accurate

Stringer is the news platform of the future

Stringer brings you news straight from the source—individuals on the ground, giving you firsthand insights into events as they unfold. Alongside these personal narratives, we aggregate headlines from major news outlets to provide comprehensive coverage.With Stringer, you're not just reading the news; you're witnessing it as it unfolds, from every angle.

Let frontline stories paint the bigger picture

At Stringer, we bypass the biased narratives pushed by media conglomerates and power brokers. Our platform elevates the voices of individuals directly experiencing events, blending their firsthand accounts with curated news from across the globe. This unique approach allows you to see beyond the headlines and understand the real implications of what's happening, free from corporate or political influence.


  • Outdoor Spaces icon

    Following Stories

    Users can track events as they unfold, explore their causes, and monitor their ongoing impacts.

  • Green Building icon

    The Bias Meter

    Leveraging algorithms to balance perspectives, highlighting bias within each post with our “Bias Rating”.

  • Custom Additions icon

    Aggregated Headlines

    Aggregating news stories from leading outlets to complement firsthand accounts with professional coverage.

  • Users will be able to follow an event as it unfolds, see what events led up to it, and then monitor it as it causes others in the future.

    Clarity in Stories

    For every user entry, you can view detailed context including the location, time, individuals involved, and the circumstances of the event.

Join the Waitlist

Be the first to experience the future of news. Join Stringer's waitlist today and gain exclusive early access to a platform where news is direct, transparent, and driven by real people like you. Don't just read the news—be part of making it.

What People Are Saying

  • "The general population doesn't know what's happening, and it doesn't even know that it doesn't know."

    Noam Chomsky

  • "It's not about the information I'm getting while on the internet, it's about the information I'm not getting while I'm on the internet."

    Sharyl Attkisson

  • "The lowest form of popular culture - lack of information, misinformation, disinformation, and a contempt for the truth or the reality of most people's lives - has overrun real journalism."

    Carl Bernstein